SMO | Social Media Optimization

SMO-main-bannerSMO | Social Media Optimization

Expand your Brand Reach, Intensify Engagement, Promote New Customer Acquisition, Ignite Customer Loyalty and Let your Brand Sizzle with Social Media Optimization!

It is undeniable that social media has taken the world by storm. Millions and millions of people are connecting with one another and accessing information through various social media platforms day in and day out. In this era where Facebook and Twitter reign supreme, business owners need to use social media to further their reach and increase their target market.

At Wthree Group of Companies Ltd., we bring small businesses into the future by setting up and managing social media accounts. By utilizing social media as a marketing tool, our team can drive traffic, leads, and sales directly to your business. With customer acquisition as high as 44% for Twitter, 52% for Facebook, and 62% for LinkedIn—you need to have these numbers working for your Saskatoon small business!

Through social media optimization, you can generate publicity through the best social media platforms and increase awareness about your services. Call us today at 306-974-6100!

What is Social Media Optimization?

Social media optimization, also known as social media marketing,  is utilizing public branding through the various social media platforms like Facebook,  Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin. Your Business Brand, product or service is optimized for increased awareness as well as increasing the engagement of your taget audience which generates more leads, customers and ultimately more sales.

Why does your business need Social Media Optimization?

One of the fastest growing ares of the online marketing world is in Social media. Today’s reality is that most people are communicating and sharing their thoughts and feelings about businesses, consumer products and any other type of service they receive through these social platforms. It is now the “Norm” to  share personal status updates, messages, tweets, links, photos and videos to anyone who “follows” them or is in their circle of influence. If they can’t find your business, you may not look as legit as the ones that can be found on social media. Cover your bases and make sure to be involved with the top social media platforms!

What We Do

We want to showcase your expertise in the best way possible, which is why our marketing efforts are focused on the top social platforms: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and GMB (Google My Business). Our team also offers social media optimization services for Blogger, Pinterest, and YouTube. Wthree Group of Companies Ltd. optimizes your social accounts through the following:

What’s the best way to reach 1 billion monthly active users? The answer is through an optimized Facebook account. With a fan page that reflects your brand and an optimized profile, you can share business information easily. We’ll keep your account fresh and active through regular status posts, comments, and messages.

GMB – Google My Business
What makes Google My Business special is the SEO advantages that not only boost your online presence through updates and shared posts, but also increase your rank in search engines.

Instagram & Twitter
Our team will set up your account, gain followers, and frequently do posts & tweets to make sure that information about your Saskatoon business is included in the millions of posts & tweets that circulate each day.

LinkedIn allows businesses to have an effective online marketing profile and networking opportunities. We can set-up your account and create a professionally written profile that will catch the attention of prospective clients.

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